In this post I would like to talk about a topic that is asked by many of my students and readers, who deal with contact centers. It's about how to configure a Post Call Survey after a client's conversation with the contact center operator. Typically, such surveys are used for customer's feedback and evaluations about level of service for a contact center. The algorithm is usually as follows: a customer calls into the contact center, the operator answers. After the conversation ends and the operator is disconnected, the client is invited to answer a few survey questions and provide his feedback.
Let's see now how to configure this functionality in the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, which is using Cisco Cutomer Voice Portal as IVR (VRU).
First, in the main script which you use to route the calls to the agents in the ICM, you need to add a node that will set the value of the ECC variable Call.user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey. If you want to have a Post Call Survey after a conversation with the operator, this variable should have the value of Y. If such a Post Call Survey is not required, then set this variable to N. Here's how it looks in real ICM script:

The node 84 is added. It sets Call.user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey = Y. I usually do this step after the call returns from the VRU (before selecting an agent). If this variable is not in the list of ECC variables, it is necessary to create it, and then restart the ICM Router. The Y value means that after a call the CVP must perform a call transfer to another ICM script which is responsible for playing the questions of the Post Call Survey and save received customer answers.
In order to perform such a transfer, it is necessary to make some more settings at the CVP and the ICM (of course the second ICM script must be created too). Firstly, you need to configure dialed numbers at the CVP, which will be allowed to make a call transfer to the survey application. Suppose that in our system the call comes to the number 3100, and this number is associated with main ICM routing script (in which we have already changed the variable Call.user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey). Open the CVP OAMP, go to System-> Dialed Number Pattern, click Add New, to add a new number or group of numbers:

On this page, configure the dialed number (3100 in this example), check a check box Enable Post Call Survey for Incoming Calls, and then specify the number for a call transfer to the survey script (3110). It means that after the conversation our CVP will transfer the call back to ICM and send a routing request for Dialed Number 3110. Of course, the Dialed Number 3110 must be configured at the ICM, and an ICM survey script must be scheduled with this DN. Do not forget to click Save and then Deploy to apply the new configuration.

Despite the fact that Deploy was clicked, it can happen that the CVP won't apply the new configuration. I faced such an issue on the CVP 11.0. To check the configuration was applied, open the desktop of the CVP server, and view the contents of the file C:\Cisco\CVP\conf\

Open this file with the Notepad and look for the following lines:

f you see at these lines your configured numbers (dialed number 3100 and the survey script number 3110), then all is well, the configuration has been applied. If the lines are blank, the Post Call Survey will not work. In the logs of the CVP Call Server you will see a message stating that Post Call Survey is not configured for the number of 3100. In this case, feel free to edit manually this file and simply add the desired numbers in the same format as at my figure above. After saving the file, restart CVP Call Server and CVP VXML Server via the OAMP Control Panel.
Secondly, you need to configure a new Call Type and a new Dialed Number (3110) at the ICM, to schedule the survey script. The examples of such settings are on the following figures. The Dialed Number must match the one you pointed out earlier at the CVP (Survey Dialed Number Pattern, 3110 in our example). Routing Client for this number should be CVP routing client, since a routing request for the survey script comes from the CVP.

Next, you must create a routing script in the ICM. Its logic is simple: to accept the transfer request and send the call to the VXML application that resides on the CVP VXML Server. This VXML-application plays all questions of the survey, and will save the customer's answers in a Database. Here is an example of such a routing ICM script for Post Call Survey:

The nodes 68, 69, 70 define the IP address of the CVP VXML Server and VXML application name, performing the survey. In our example, the name of the VXML application is defined as PostSurvey. Here are the properties of the node 69:

Steps 72 and 50 run, in fact, our VXML-application. Step 50 is a Run External Script, which launch microapplication with GS, Server, V parameters, as defined in NetworkVRU Script settings at the ICM. So now we have carried out all setting and the system performs the following logic.
A Customer calls to the number of 3100 and the main ICM script starts. The Post Call Survey is allowed here (Call.user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey = Y). A customer is connected to the agent. As soon as the agent disconnects, the CVP will send a route request to the ICM for the Dialed number 3110, according to your settings. The client is transferred to the survey script. Then the survey ICM script scheduled with the number 3110, starts. The call is redirected to the VXML application. The customer hears questions of the survey and responds to them.
Sample VXML-application created in Cisco Call Studio and its analysis will be provided in the second part of the article. To be continued...
Very helpful +10